Decision Day Is T-Shirt Day

High School Senior T-Shirts
Looks Like You Made It!
June 8, 2017
High School Senior T-Shirts
Your Going to College; . . . (or Are You)?
September 6, 2017
High School Senior T-Shirts

May 1 is “National College Decision Day” in the U.S., the deadline for accepted students to make their choice and commit to a school.  A fun tradition at many high schools is for students to wear the t-shirt of the college they’ve picked, announcing their decision to their friends and classmates.

But here is my take on the whole idea.  Why wait?

In the book “The Secret” it refers to visualizing and creating visual images of your dreams and goals.  So if you want a superior senior year….declare it with a visual image using a T-shirt.  A particular college you want to go to can be depicted on a t-shirt and worn any day.  Declare your goals and dreams with a t-shirt.  Visualize your dreams through your t-shirt. . . .EVERYDAY!

Motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins talk about visualizing what you desire.  So start by wearing your senior t-shirts.  Who knows, you could become the next Bill Gates.

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